Appetite master: How to improve and maintain your child’s appetite

There are seasons in a child’s life where appetite is poor even when they are not sick. For some children, it is temporary, however for some children, it is challenging to encourage them to consume enough nutritious food adequate for their growth. Here are some tips on practices that will boost
their appetite, maintain weight and keep their health in tip-top shape:

1.     Eat regular meals as a family

2.     Avoid screens and toys at meal time

3.     Limit meals to no more than 30 minutes. When meal time is over, remove food and only offer it at the next planned meal or snack time.

4.     Give fruits in between meals instead of other snacks. Apart from the nutrient value, fruits also increase metabolism which makes the child hungrier by meal time.

On the other hand, snacks, especially sweets, seal off appetite and give a false sense of satiety. Let such foods be a reward for finishing food, and not on a regular basis.

5.     Encourage the child to participate in meal preparation (washing vegetables, choosing recipes etc)

6.      Maintain breakfast as a healthy start to the day. They are usually hungrier in the morning, make the breakfast nutrient laden.

7.      Serve small frequent meals, just ensure they are healthy all through

8.      Ensure children participate in outdoor activities to burn calories. 15 minutes before any meal, the children should settle down and prepare for eating.

9.  Don’t force-feed children; it breeds resentment. Allow them to feel hungry so that they appreciate the value of food

10.  Focus on the nutrients. Iron, zinc, vitamin C and folic acid improve appetite. Foods rich in these are spinach, mushroom, yoghurt, fruits, dairy products, beans, pumpkins, avocado, strawberries, eggs
and peanuts.

11.  Don’t give excessive milk or juice as part of snacks. Give water instead

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